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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Karan Johar Opens About His Sexuality For First Time In Memoir ‘An Unsuitable Boy’

An Unsuitable Boy, Karan Johar’s memoir, was the first to reveal his sexual orientation. He also addressed the gossip that Shah Rukh Khan, his closest buddy, and he were having an affair. Even if those were only crazy speculations, many people are unaware that SRK was the first to embrace KJo’s natural tendencies and help him feel at ease with who he is.

Karan has been the target of several taunts over his sexual orientation. Over the years, he has encountered vicious trolls who have made fun of his speech, gait, and even patterns. His parents didn’t “get” things when he wanted to come out of the closet, but Shah Rukh, his closest friend, did, so it wasn’t easy.

Recalling his early days, Karan Johar said on the We Are Yuvaa podcast, “He (Shah Rukh Khan) was born and brought up in a very progressive environment. He comes from theatre. He had worked with all kinds of people. My parents, perhaps, weren’t able to understand things. My feminine side that was coming out so strongly was only met with laughter or with being made fun of. And then, when I grew a little older, people got a little quieter about it. But I could tell whether there was a slight chitter-chatter about the way I was walking or speaking.”

Karan Johar added, “I remember Shah Rukh Khan was the first, kind of like, man that didn’t make me feel lesser for some reason. I feel like he accepted what in those days was considered being pansy, being effeminate or walking funny. He was just so cool about anything. He even had a lot of open chats with me. Whenever I had to say the biggest thing about my personality and sexuality, I spoke to him first. He was that one sense of support. Even he doesn’t realize what he’s been to me.”

It is not that! Additionally, KJo disclosed that in the tenth grade, he made up an infatuation on a girl to fit in! She was his “first reality check,” but he was only trying to be “cool.”

In February 2017, Karan Johar became the surrogate mother of two children, Yash and Roohi. Hiroo, his mother, has been his greatest source of parenting support.

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