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Friday, October 25, 2024
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Meeting Between Two Global Heavyweights Joe Biden And Xi Jinping Begins Today

The long-awaited meeting between US Vice President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping began today (November 16, IST), with the two global heavyweights digitally addressing crucial problems and tensions. “The bilateral relationship between the United States and China appears to me to have a tremendous impact not only in our countries, but quite frankly around the world,” Biden said.

Here are some of the key points made by the two heads of state during their meeting.

1) It appears that it is our obligation as Chinese and American leaders to ensure that our countries’ competition does not devolve into conflict, whether deliberate or unintended, rather than basic, uncomplicated competition: Joe Biden is a former Vice President of the United States

2) Mr. President (Biden), I am ready to work with you to establish consensus, take proactive initiatives, and drive China-US ties forward in a constructive direction: Xi

3) Humanity is a global village… and states must work together to overcome challenges: Xi.

4) At the moment, both China and the United States are in key stages of development… and we are confronted with a number of obstacles. China and the United States, as the world’s two largest economies and permanent members of the UN Security Council, must improve communication and cooperation: Xi

5) We should all take care of our own home concerns while also shouldering our fair share of international obligations and cooperating for the noble cause of world peace and development: Xi

6) It appears to me that certain common sense safeguards are required. Where we disagree, to be straightforward and honest about it, and to work together where our interests overlap, especially on critical global problems like climate change: Biden

7) All countries must adhere to the same set of rules, and the United States will always defend our interests and principles, as well as those of our allies and partners: Biden

8) A strong Chinese-US relationship is essential for our two nations’ development and for maintaining a peaceful and stable international environment, including finding effective responses to global concerns like climate change…. and the COVID pandemic: Xi

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