Ghudchadi’s trailer is currently available. Parth Samthaan, Khushali Kumar, Sanjay Dutt, and Raveena Tandon play important parts in the JioCinema movie. The mother-daughter pair that the father and son fall in love with is the focus of the film. Parth Samthaan’s portrayal of Chirag Sharma, a “tall, sexy, lovable, handsome, desi munda,” opens the video. Kalyani Devi, his grandmother (Aruna Irani), hopes to dance at his upcoming nuptials. Shortly after, we witness Chirag asking Devika (Khushali Kumar) for assistance in promoting his pants line. Sanjay Dutt plays Chirag’s father, Veer Sharma, and enters the picture as their romance blossoms. A woman had struck Veer’s car by mistake, causing her to become stopped in traffic. He then arrives at the scene only to find out that the lady is his love interest from his younger days, Menka (Raveena Tandon).
Chirag soon shows excitement to tell his father about his female love. His joy is short-lived, though, as he quickly learns that his father has developed feelings for the mother of his girlfriend. The tension rises since Devika and Chirag will become step-siblings if Veer marries Menka. Chirag now appears concerned because he may wind up with a “rakhi” instead of the “mangalsutra” that he intended to tie around Devika’s neck. Veer, meantime, remains unwavering in his choice. Are you curious about what comes next? We’ll have to watch the movie to find out.
The creators captioned the clip, “Kiski finally hogi Ghudchadi!?” when they posted it to YouTube.
On August 9, Ghudchadi will be available on JioCinema Premium. Nidhi Dutta and Binnoy K. Gandhi produced the movie, which was directed by Binnoy K. Gandhi.