Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the Congress, made a subtle attack on the government in his first post after being granted bail in the 2019 defamation case. He wrote, “Yeh mitrakaal ke virudh, loktantra ko bachane ki ladai hai. Satya mera astra hai, or Satya hi mera aasra, iss sangharsh mein. (This battle against “Mitrakal” is an effort to preserve democracy. The truth is both my ally and my tool in this fight.
His tweet was sent shortly after the Surat Sessions Court released him on bail following his statement that “why all thieves share the Modi surname” was defamatory.
The 52-year-old Congress leader travelled to Surat earlier in the day with her sister Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on a regularly scheduled commercial flight. They then went to the sessions court to contest a subordinate court’s decision.
He was found guilty by the lesser court on March 23 and given a two-year prison term. He lost his status as a Lok Sabha member the following day.