Salman Khan and Pooja Hegde, who are partnered opposite one another in Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, are the most recent victims of this stereotype, which has become popular in the film industry. The two haven’t confirmed or rejected the relationship rumours till now, but they have been around for a long. It gained additional attention when Salman attended the wedding celebration of Pooja’s brother Rishabh.
Pooja confirms in an exclusive interview that she is not dating Salman, asking, “What do I say to that? I’m constantly reading about myself. I’m a loner. I adore being unmarried. Right now, I’m sincerely focusing on my career. My current objective is to go from one city to the next. What can I do now? I can’t even sit here and face these rumours anymore.
Salman actually thought highly of Pooja’s performance in the movie and even commended her at the premiere of the trailer, saying, “She is outstanding in the film.” The actress is in one of the strongest periods of her career right now; three major films will be unveiled in the next weeks. In one of these significant releases, she is partnered up against Mahesh Babu.