On Monday, the eagerly awaited trailer for Siddharth Anand’s Fighter launched, and it’s an intensely emotional ride. In the first scene of the trailer, Anil Kapoor’s Captain Rakesh Jai Singh tells his “special response team,” which includes Squadron Leaders Shamsher Pathania (Hrithik Roshan), Minal Rathore (Deepika Padukone), and others, to develop “interpersonal relations” with one another because they are the most valuable tool in a war. The action then moves to Jammu and Kashmir, where Deepika, Hrithik, and their friends are seen having a blast. After a terrorist incident in Pulwama, however, Hrithik and Deepika’s elite team are sent on a mission of a lifetime, and an airstrike from across the border is launched in retaliation. You’ll be captivated by the action-packed trailer to the very end thanks to its thrilling airborne action scenes. Can the guy on the assignment, Hrithik Roshan, avenge his fellow fighters’ deaths and save his country? On January 25, the solution will only be revealed in cinemas.
The trailer was shared by Hrithik Roshan on his Instagram feed, “Dil aakaash ke naam, aur jaan desh ke naam. Jai Hind (the heart is dedicated to the sky and life is dedicated to the country. Jai Hind).”
The teaser of the film was shared a month back. Sharing the teaser on social media, Deepika Padukone wrote, “Fighter Forever. #FighterTeaserOutNow.”
Hrithik and Deepika’s first joint project is Fighter. Collaborations between Hrithik and Siddharth Anand may be seen in the 2019 hit War and Bang Bang. This is Deepika Padukoné’s third movie with Siddharth Anand, following the 2023 blockbuster Pathaan, which also starred John Abraham and Shah Rukh Khan, and Bachna Ae Haseeno.
Karan Grover and Akshay Oberoi play important roles in the movie as well. The movie Fighter is scheduled to open in theatres on January 25.