In Ayodhya on Sunday, a three-person Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) delegation met with the 12-year-old victim of a gangrape and her mother. However, Akhilesh Yadav, the chief of the Samajwadi Party (SP), stated that the Uttar Pradesh (UP) government should arrange for the rape survivor’s medical care instead of dragging the matter into politics and asking the court to take suo-motu cognisance and guarantee the minor’s protection.
On July 30, the Ayodhya police detained SP leader Moid Khan and his worker Raju Khan for the three months before rape of the kid in the leader’s bakery. The girl’s pregnancy was discovered after the event, in which they were purportedly threatening her with her video clip, came to light.
The BJP’s delegation was led by Rajya Sabha MP Baburam Nishad. “We spoke to the girl’s mother and we will submit the entire report to the national leadership. The UP government is not going to spare the accused who committed this crime. Yadav has been talking about DNA testing to confirm the accused. He talks about PDA (Picchhda Dalit Alpasankhyak) but he cannot see and hear the pain of this daughter. The government will take such action that many generations will remember it. I request CM Yogi Adityanath to increase the financial amount of Rs 5 lakh to Rs 25 lakh,” said Nishad.
Two days after the survivor and her mother visited Adityanath, the development took place. On Saturday, the Ayodhya District Administration destroyed the SP leader’s bakery.
Along with Narendra Kashyap, the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Backward Class Welfare in Uttar Pradesh, was Rajya Sabha MP Sangeeta Balwant Bind. Nishad said, “We held a detailed discussion with the mother of the survivor. We have also gathered information about him (accused Moid Khan). We will get to the bottom of the matter, and conduct a probe.”
He said that the rape victim’s family is “satisfied” with the steps the government has taken to prosecute the perpetrators.
However, the meeting took an emotional turn when the 12-year-old’s mother lost control of her feelings and started crying. She declared, “He ought to be hanged.”
Om Prakash Rajbhar, the minister for Uttar Pradesh and leader of the Suheldev Bharatiya Samaj Party (SBSP), attacked the SP against the backdrop of the conference. “People used to call the Samajwadi Party government a government of goons. Today, people call the NDA government a bulldozer government. Criminals are afraid of this government. In the Samajwadi Party government, criminals used to roam free and get protection. If (Akhilesh Yadav) he does not trust the government’s action, then he should investigate the matter himself,” said Rajbhar.
Rajbhar’s remark came in response to Yadav’s tweet in which he demanded best possible medical arrangements for the rape survivor. “The government should give the best possible medical arrangements to the rape survivor. It is the government’s responsibility to protect the girl’s life. It is a humble request to the Hon’ble Court to take suo-motu cognizance and considering the sensitivity and seriousness of the situation, ensure every possible safety of the survivor under its supervision. The conspiracy of ill-intentioned people to politicise such incidents should never succeed,” Yadav said on X.
The case has taken a political turn ahead of the bypolls for the 10 Assembly seats, dates for which are yet to be announced.