The Tamil Box Office has seen a stir from Dhanush’s latest crime drama, which has brought in 43.40 crore globally. After just two days, the movie is steadily becoming stronger, solidifying its place at the box office and producing higher and higher attendance figures every day.
Dhanush’s movie has brought in around 12 crore internationally in just two days. On its first day, the movie made 23.40 crores worldwide. However, on its second day, it barely made 20 crores.
In the year 2024, Dhanush made his second appearance in theatres. On Sankranti 2024, Captain Miller’s debut film was shown in theatres, but it could not create enough excitement at the box office. Although, it entered the list of top 5 highest-grossing films of Dhanush’s career.
With Sunday’s total collection, Raayan will jump to the top 10 highest-grossing films worldwide in Dhanush’s career. Currently, this list is ruled by Vaathi as being at the top spot with 118.20 crore gross collection worldwide. Currently, in two days, Raayan has already earned 36% of Vaathi’s entire earnings.