Adipurush, a massive Ramayana remake from director Om Raut, had its box office performance in India fall even more on Tuesday, thus ending the epic in less than a week. The movie, which stars Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, and Saif Ali Khan, had a record-breaking weekend box office haul, but it also had a startling decrease of 75% on Monday and another decline on Tuesday.
The movie only made Rs 10 crore net on its opening Tuesday (across all languages), with its Hindi portion reportedly accounting for Rs 5–6 crore. The industry tracker Sacnilk estimates that Adipurush made Rs 10.80 cr in total. Its occupancy in Hindi was approximately 11.16 percent. T-Series reported that the movie has made Rs 375 crore worldwide on Tuesday.
The movie’s global box office performance was also weak. Adipurush clocked Rs 17.93 cr on Tuesday, following the first day gross take of Rs 140 cr internationally, according to film industry tracker Manobala Vijayabalan. Less than Rs 120 cr Hindi nett in box office receipts sealed the movie’s doom. Adipurush reportedly cost more than Rs 500 crore to create, yet its global box office revenue has not yet reached Rs 400 crore.
While Salman Khan’s Eid release Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan (which made just under Rs 100 crore and failed) has been surpassed by Adipurush, the T-Series movie will now find it difficult to top the studio’s own co-production Tu Jhooti Main Makkaar. The rom-com starring Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor made Rs 149 crore in March.
Due to dialogue written by Manoj Muntashir, which many referred to as “pedestrian language” for a subject thought by many to be divine, Adipurush immediately caused a nationwide uproar upon its premiere. On Sunday, the producers made the decision to change the dialogue and release a new cut of the movie in “a few days.”
It remains to be seen if the reworked version of Adipurush will have any effect at the box office, as the movie was also criticised for its VFX and poor character design, both of which the producers spent months fixing after the film was initially mocked in October and forced to be released later than planned in January.