Kareena Kapoor Khan and Alia Bhatt, two Bollywood actors, graced the most recent edition of Koffee with Karan. Alia revealed on the show how “madly” in love her husband, actor Ranbir Kapoor, is with their daughter Raha. Additionally, Alia responded to the comments that surfaced online when Ranbir was called a “toxic” person.
Karan asked Alia, “You have been accused of talking about him a lot?” For the unversed, Ranbir faced backlash after Alia shared that he didn’t like her wearing red lipstick and would ask her to ‘wipe it off’. Opening up about the same, Alia said, “I have a very candid way of speaking so even when I’m talking about anything in my life, I like to imitate the person that I’m talking about, I like to give anecdotes, I like to make it personal. I feel like a lot of things just get picked out of context which happened recently.”
Alia said that there are more important issues to focus on than what she said in a different context. She said, “My team told me, ‘This is going a little out of hand.’ And I was like, ‘It’s okay, let it be.’ because genuinely, people say things all the time. But then I realised that there are serious articles talking about how he’s a toxic man and this and that. And I’m like, ‘Are we serious?’I think the only reason I felt bad, or feel bad is that if people misunderstand, is because he’s genuinely the opposite of all of that.”
The actress did, however, also disclose how Ranbir counsels her and deals with such circumstances coolly. She said, “But don’t you feel like there’s also a line which I feel is being crossed. But you can’t say anything about it. People can say what they want. In fact, Ranbir says that ‘Alia, the audience owns you, they can say what the hell they want about you. As long as your movies are doing well, please do not complain sitting in your apartment in Bandra.”
Karan also opened up about Raha and said, “Ranbir is like beautifully obsessed with her.” Alia agreed to Karan’s statement and said, “He is deeply and madly in love with her. He is just stumped. Sometimes he is just like staring at her, he is troubling her, he is playing games with her, in the beginning he was a burp specialist. He really wants to be involved in every single thing and in fact sometimes too much. At home I feel like we are both fighting to hold her.”